Info Card

# Info Card

This control displays basic contact/account information in the form of a card. If control is bound for SingleLine.Text, it displays information of the current user/account. By binding the control to the lookup field, it is possible to display the information of any contact/account.

# Bindings

Property Name Description Of Type Input Usage Required
bindingField Binding field.



bound true
mode Mode decides what the card will display (account, contact) Enum



input false
fetchXml FetchXML Query for filtering and displaying attributes. SingleLine.Text
<fetch version="1.0" mapping="logical">
  <entity name="contact">
    <attribute name="emailaddress1" />
    <attribute name="emailaddress2" />
    <attribute name="mobilephone" />
input false
actionLink Link for contact/account profile editing. SingleLine.Text{%22entityName%22:%22account%22,%22entityId%22:%224cd9e997-9163-ef11-a671-6045bdf27683%22,%22formId%22:%226a72a270-9b64-4c01-a1ae-2941a9428a14%22} input false
editFormId Id of edit account/contact form that should open on action link. SingleLine.Text fcec8d7d-b80a-ee11-8f6e-0022489980c1 input false