Provision an Environment
# Provision an Environment
All the following content follows Power Platform's best practices to meet all security and lifecycle management standards. Specific tenant situations may be consulted with NETWORG.
# Introduction
All the TALXIS applications are managed by NETWORG and cannot be customized by the customer or a third-party publisher. There needs to be an isolated Dataverse environment to ensure that premise. Isolated environment also makes it impossible for NETWORG to access any other Power Platform application in the tenant.
# Create a New Environment
Following actions are done by the Power Platform administrator. (NETWORG offers full Power Platform management if the customer prefers this option)
- Go to the Power Platform admin center (opens new window)
- Select Environments from the left side menu and click on New
- Select Region (Europe)
- Select Type (Production)
- Set Create a database to Yes
- Set Language to English - you can enable additional languages later, but English must be set as default language
- Set URL (lowercase environment's name)
- Set Currency for customer's primary reporting currency
- Deploy additional (display) languages under a specific environment -> Settings -> Product -> Languages
- Provisioning of a new language can take up to 20 minutes.
- It is suggested to assign a security group to this environment to provision users