
# Views

Views are part of presentation layer (There is one exception. See: Entity (opens new window) for more info).

These components are used for listing records of specific entity with specific filters.

MS Docs: Create a view (opens new window)

# Conventions

# Code Placement

Views are stored in SavedQueries folder under their Entity. So for example Account entity view will be stored in this folder:


# View Type

There are multiple Query Types which define how your view will behave.

The most used types in our projects:

<querytype>0</querytype> = Classic view (Used in AppModule SiteMap (opens new window))

<querytype>2</querytype> = Subgrid View (Used in Forms (opens new window))

<querytype>64</querytype> = Lookup View (Used in Lookups (opens new window))

Other Types of views: Customize entity views (opens new window)

# AppModule.xml

This is same as in Forms (opens new window) case. You need to reference id of the view in AppModule_managed.xml in order to make the view accessible in the App.

Views type="26"

Please follow conventions in [AppModule]( guide (section: Forms and Views).


<AppModuleComponent type="1" schemaName="task" />
<AppModuleComponent type="26" id="{16957922-09e4-450b-9d26-9a301117c678}" />

# Order Attribute

This is not required but highly recommended. It is always better to have records organized somehow. In cases of entities that contains field talxis_internalid we often use this field as order attribute.


<order attribute="talxis_internalid" descending="true" />


Descending defines how records will be sorted accourding to order attribute.

descending="true": Newer to Older, From Z to A, Larger to Smaller

descending="false": Older to Newer, From A to Z, Smaller to Larger