Client Libraries

# Client Libraries

# Introduction

We've came to situation where we've implemented same code logic in multiple codes and projects. So we created Client Libraries npm package in order to centralize repeated code logic in one place.

If you want to use Client Libraries in your project, copy and run this command:

npm i @talxis/client-libraries

# File Attribute

File Attribute class is designed to handle upload and download of the files from CDS. There are multiple was to do it and that is why we have mutiple sets of interfaces to handle each scenario. File attribute allows you to upload and download file both from our talxis_file entity and from your entity's custom file field.

# File

Regardless of approach, you will need to provide file information via IFileContent interface.

# IFileContent

Name Type Description
name string Name of the file.
base64 string Base64 of the file content.
path (optional) string File path.

# File Upload

# TALXIS Files (default)

If you want to upload file to TALXIS File solution, you'll need to provide file information and (optionally) provide record ID where you want to save the file. If you don't provide record ID, new talxis_file record will be created and you will be provided file record ID.

# ITalxisFileConnection

Name Type Description
recordId string Record ID where file will be saved.

# Custom File Location

If you want to upload file to your custom entity record, you'll need to provide file information and connection information where you want to save the file.

In this approach there are two connection interfaces:

# 1. IExecutionContextConnection

Name Type Description
executionContext Xrm.Events.EventContext or Xrm.FormContext Form's context.
fileAttribute string Name of the file attribute where file will be saved.

# 2. IFileAttributeConnection

Name Type Description
fileAttribute string Name of the file attribute where file will be saved.
entityName string Name of the entity where file will be saved.
recordId string Record ID of record where file will be saved.

# Syntax

fileAttribute.uploadFileToAttribute(file, connection)

# Return value

On Success it will return record ID and Entity Type Name in manner of Xrm.CreateResponse interface.

Name Type Description
id string Record ID where file is stored.
entityType string Name of the entity which is containing uploaded file

# Example

import { ITalxisFileConnection, FileAttribute, IFileContent } from '@talxis/client-libraries';

let fileAttribute: FileAttribute = new FileAttribute();
const file: IFileContent = {
    name: 'fileName',
    base64: fileBase64,
    path: 'TEST/PATH'
const connection: ITalxisFileConnection = {
    recordId: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
const result = await fileAttribute.uploadFileToAttribute(file, connection);
    console.log("Record ID: ",;
    console.log("Entity Type:", result.entityType);

# File Download

# TALXIS Files (default)

If you want to download file from TALXIS File solution, you'll just need to provide record ID from where you want to get the file.

# ITalxisFileConnection

Name Type Description
recordId string Record ID where file is located.

# Custom File Location

f you want to download file to your custom entity record, you'll need to provide connection information in same manner as uploading file.

There are two connection interfaces:

# 1. IExecutionContextConnection

Name Type Description
executionContext Xrm.Events.EventContext or Xrm.FormContext Form's context.
fileAttribute string Name of the file attribute where file will be saved.

# 2. IFileAttributeConnection

Name Type Description
fileAttribute string Name of the file attribute where file will be saved.
entityName string Name of the entity where file will be saved.
recordId string Record ID of record where file will be saved.

# Syntax


# Return value

On Success it will automatically download file in browser.

# Example

import { ITalxisFileConnection, FileAttribute } from '@talxis/client-libraries';

let fileAttribute: FileAttribute = new FileAttribute();
const connection: ITalxisFileConnection = {
    recordId: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
const result = await fileAttribute.DownloadFileFromAttribute(connection);