TALXIS Configuration - Landing Page

# TALXIS Landing Page

With our landing page, you'll be presented with cards tailored to your account or contact, providing key insights at a glance. You can view graphs that display important business metrics, helping you track performance trends. Additionally, the landing page allows you to seamlessly navigate to various application modules, making it easy to access the tools and information you need for effective decision-making.

Landing Page

# TALXIS Configuration - Landing Page

TALXIS Configuration - Landing Page allows you to fully customize your landing page layout according to your preferences. It offers a user-friendly interface with a live preview of your design, enabling you to see exactly how your changes will appear before finalizing them. This flexibility ensures that you can create a landing page that aligns perfectly with your business needs and goals.

Landing Page Config

Attribute Of Type Description Required
Name String Descriptive name for the landing page true
Application Unique Name String Unique name of application where landing page will be presented true

# User Groups

In the landing page configuration, there is a list of user groups that defines which groups of users have visibility of the landing page. This allows you to control and customize the content displayed to different audiences based on their roles, permissions, or specific needs, ensuring that relevant information is presented to the appropriate users. More info here.

Landing Page User Groups

# Cards

In the landing page configuration, there is a list of cards that specifies which cards will be visible on the landing page. This list allows you to select and arrange the cards that best suit the needs of your users, ensuring that only relevant information is displayed, while keeping the landing page organized and purposeful.

Landing Page Cards

# One Landing Page for all Applications

We have supported use of '*' wildcard. If you want one landing page for all applications, then you use this wildcard in Application Unique Name. Most common use case is to compose Fallback or Default landing page.

Fallback Landing Page

# TALXIS Configuration - Landing Page Card

TALXIS Configuration - Landing Page Card is closely linked to the landing page configuration and stores the definition for each card that will be displayed on the landing page. Each record in this table contains the parameters that dictate how individual cards are rendered, including details like the data source and visual elements. These cards are designed to provide targeted information, insights, or actions, making them essential building blocks for customizing your landing page experience.

Landing Page Card

Attribute Of Type Description Required
Landing Page Lookup Landing page where this card will be shown true
Name String Descriptive name of the landing page card true
Order Integer Determines the sequence in which the cards are displayed on the landing page false
Component name String Name of the Card PCF component that will be rendered false
Unique name String Unique name of the card false
Parent card Lookup Parent blank card where card will be rendered false
Parameters String JSON of parameters required by Card PCF false

Order attribute is unique. This ensures that each card within a specific landing page has a unique order number, preventing duplicates and maintaining the intended sequence of cards on the page. This structure helps organize the display of content precisely as configured.

You can create blank card. If you want to render blank card just leave parameters attribute empty.

Landing Page Card Blank Card Config

Landing Page Card Blank Card

You can create parent card. If you want to render parent card which will render multiple cards in itself, same as blank card, just leave parameters attribute empty.

Landing Page Card Parent Card Config

Later you can reference this parent card in child card configuration so it would be visible inside of it.

Landing Page Card Parent Card

Landing Page Card Parent Card

List of the cards that can be used with TALXIS Configuration - Landing Page:

# TALXIS Configuration - User Group Landing Page

TALXIS Configuration - User Group Landing Page is intersect entity for TALXIS Configuration - Landing Page <-> Security Teams (User Group) relationship. It holds information which Landing Pages should be visible for which User Group and in what order. You can not add two same combinations of Landing Page and User Group or Order and User Group due to composite keys. This ensures unique order of landing pages for user group.

Attribute Of Type Description Required
Landing Page Lookup Landing page for user group true
User Group Lookup Security team true
Order Integer Determines the priority in which the landing pages are displayed for user group false

Important thing to mention here is prioritization of landing pages. Prioritization works like this:

  1. Landing page configured for application that user is currently in for user group that user belongs to ordered by priority
  2. Fallback landing page with wildcard that contains user's user group in it's configuration ordered by priority
  3. Landing page with application name that has no any security teams assigned in it's configuration
  4. Fallback landing page with wildcard and none security team assigned