Lookup References

# Lookup References

Whenever you need to pass a record reference using string you need to deal with serializing both record ID and an entity logical name. On many places you can find lookups passed as strings in a form of RecordUrl. This is common especially for the workflow engine and Code Activities.

A big advantage is the workflow designer can build RecordUrl of arguments dynamically for you.

RecordUrl Designer

To help you with serializing and parsing these URL placeholders containing record references you can use RecordUrl Utility Feature.

The utility uses RetrieveCurrentOrganizationRequest (opens new window) to get current organization web application URL.

A resulting serialized string may look like this:



Don't share these links with users because Record URLs usually do not contain application identifier (appId). Users may not be navigated to a corrent app module.

# Workflow/Action

RecordUrl Code Activity

# Flow

RecordUrl Code Activity