Roles in the procurement process

# Roles in the procurement process

We have defined various roles in the procurement processes. Each role has its responsibilities. Users for these roles are defined through the purchase invoice records and configurations.

Each user is notified by a MS teams notification or an email when there is an action required from them.

# Owner of the purchase invoice

The owner is the user who created the purchase invoice and wants to send it for approval.

# Chief approver

The chief approvers are those who must always approve the purchase invoice before issuing it. The chief approvers are set in the configuration. You can find it here: Configure the procurement process.

# Category level approver

Purchase invoice is approved by the members of the given category level. Invoice category level is groupings of similar goods or services. Category level approvers are set when creating a product in purchase invoice. More information Add an invoice detail.

Example: John created a purchase invoice for the purchase of new office chairs and for the proposal to pass the administration should approve it.

# Accountant

Accountant is the user who confirms whether the purchase invoice was paid after it was issued. The accountants are set in the configuration. You can find it here: Configure the procurement process.