Roles in the contract process
# Roles in the contract process
We have defined various roles in the contract processes. Each role has its responsibilities. Users for these roles are defined through the contract records and configurations.
Each user is notified by a created task or an email when there is an action required from them.
# Admin
Admins are defined in the configuration of contract review. You can find it here: Configure the contract process.
- Start a review
- Skip a review
- Implement accepted comments
- Send the review for approval
- Send the contract for signature
- Mark the contract as accepted
# Requester
The requester is the user who is defined in the Requester attribute on the contract form. Hiere is how to create a contract: Create a contract.
- Accept or reject comments from the review
# Reviewer
These users are defined in the configuration of contract review. You can find it here: Configure the contract process.
- Review contracts and comment on them if necessary
# Representative
Representatives are defined in the configuration of contract review. You can find it here: Configure the contract process.
- Approve or reject contracts